Friday, March 6, 2009

Captians Log Stardate 30609

I'm not a Trekkie. I swear. It is Melissa and my 4th anniversary of our first date. Now that we're married that might seem trivial but in 4 short years I realize we have shared so much especially now that we are expecting Nia. I am so anxiously awaiting our little baby sometimes I can't even sleep which I know I should because once Nia comes sleep probably will be a luxury. But I thought I would write a short note to my love...


You show never ending compassion and empathy. You are intelligent and street smart, and have the polish of a debutante. You are a proud Latina and love your culture yet are equally at home at a Dave Mathews Band concert, unless you spill something on you then the Brooklyn comes out. Your family has told me several times that You said you would probably never want to get married, let alone have kids. Up until the day we actually got married your brother and mother were still not in total belief you would go through with it. So I am quite honored that on both counts, you chose to do them with me.

You will make an amazing mother to Nia and Gillian because you have conviction and integrity like I have never seen. You weather my emotional side and entertain my rants.

Melissa you are my best friend and I can't wait to raise Nia together with you.

Love always,

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